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authortzlil <>2024-03-22 15:29:21 +0200
committertzlil <>2024-03-22 15:29:21 +0200
commitfde8f4b6420689a5e4e45700b8618cb014a7bf06 (patch)
parentb42198bf82068f3e5cc1751a3641a36b4234f14c (diff)
remove I2C crap and get to work
3 files changed, 23 insertions, 189 deletions
diff --git a/flake.nix b/flake.nix
index b07c283..d9d857c 100644
--- a/flake.nix
+++ b/flake.nix
@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@
         enableLibraryProfiling = false;
         postBuild = ''
-          ${hpkgs.clash-ghc}/bin/clash -package-db dist/package.conf.inplace ${name} --${hdl}
+          ${hpkgs.clash-ghc}/bin/clash -package-db dist/package.conf.inplace ${name} --${hdl} -ddump-simpl
         postInstall = ''
diff --git a/src/Blinker.hs b/src/Blinker.hs
index 6242f30..4537fb7 100644
--- a/src/Blinker.hs
+++ b/src/Blinker.hs
@@ -10,7 +10,6 @@ import Clash.Prelude
 import Clash.Annotations.SynthesisAttributes
 import Clash.Cores.UART
 import Control.Monad.Trans.State.Strict
-import I2C (i2cMaster, Message)
 -- 50 MHz
@@ -21,85 +20,68 @@ createDomain vSystem{vName="Input", vPeriod=20_000}
     { t_name   = "Blinker"
     , t_inputs = [
       PortName "CLK0",
-      PortName "UART_RX"
+      PortName "UART_RX",
+      PortName "KEY0",
+      PortName "I2C_SCL",
+      PortName "I2C_SDA"
     , t_output = PortName "UART_TX"
     }) #-}
 topEntity ::
-  "CLK" ::: Clock Input
+  "CLK0" ::: Clock Input
     `Annotate` 'StringAttr "chip_pin" "R20"
     `Annotate` 'StringAttr
                 "altera_attribute" "-name IO_STANDARD \"3.3-V LVTTL\""
-  -> "RX" ::: Signal Input Bit
-    `Annotate` 'StringAttr
-                "chip_pin" "M9"
+  -> "UART_RX" ::: Signal Input Bit
+    `Annotate` 'StringAttr "chip_pin" "M9"
     `Annotate` 'StringAttr
                 "altera_attribute" "-name IO_STANDARD \"2.5V\""
   -> "KEY0" ::: Signal Input Bit
-    `Annotate` 'StringAttr
-                "chip_pin" "P11"
+    `Annotate` 'StringAttr "chip_pin" "P11"
     `Annotate` 'StringAttr
                 "altera_attribute" "-name IO_STANDARD \"1.2V\""
   -> "I2C_SCL" ::: BiSignalIn 'PullUp Input (BitSize Bit)
-    `Annotate` 'StringAttr
-                "chip_pin B7"
+    `Annotate` 'StringAttr "chip_pin" "B7"
     `Annotate` 'StringAttr
                 "altera_attribute" "-name IO_STANDARD \"2.5V\""
   -> "I2C_SDA" ::: BiSignalIn 'PullUp Input (BitSize Bit)
-    `Annotate` 'StringAttr
-                "chip_pin G11"
+    `Annotate` 'StringAttr "chip_pin" "G11"
     `Annotate` 'StringAttr
                 "altera_attribute" "-name IO_STANDARD \"2.5V\""
-  -> (Signal Input Bit
-    `Annotate` 'StringAttr
-                "chip_pin" "L9"
-    `Annotate` 'StringAttr
-                "altera_attribute" "-name IO_STANDARD \"2.5V\""
-    ,"I2C_SCL" ::: BiSignalOut 'PullUp Input (BitSize Bit)
-    `Annotate` 'StringAttr
-                "chip_pin B7"
-    `Annotate` 'StringAttr
-                "altera_attribute" "-name IO_STANDARD \"2.5V\""
-    ,"I2C_SDA" ::: BiSignalOut 'PullUp Input (BitSize Bit)
-    `Annotate` 'StringAttr
-                "chip_pin G11"
+  ->
+    "UART_TX" ::: Signal Input Bit
+    `Annotate` 'StringAttr "chip_pin" "L9"
     `Annotate` 'StringAttr
                 "altera_attribute" "-name IO_STANDARD \"2.5V\""
-    )
-topEntity clk rx key0 sclIn sdaIn = (txBit,sclOut,sdaOut)
+topEntity clk rx key0 sclIn sdaIn = (txBit)
     baud = SNat @115200
     uart' = exposeClockResetEnable (uart baud) clk resetGen enableGen
     (rxWord, txBit, ackUART) = uart' rx txM
-    (sclOut, sdaOut, ackI2C) = exposeClockResetEnable (i2cMaster (SNat @20_000) i2cM sclIn sdaIn) clk resetGen enableGen
-    f = exposeClockResetEnable mealyS clk resetGen enableGen cpu Initialization (CPUIn <$> key0 <*> ackUART <*> ackI2C <*> rxWord)
-    (txM,i2cM) = unbundle f
+    f = exposeClockResetEnable mealyS clk resetGen enableGen cpu Initialization (CPUIn <$> key0 <*> ackUART <*> rxWord)
+    txM = unbundle f
 data CPUIn = CPUIn {
   key0 :: Bit,
   ackUART :: Bool,
-  ackI2C :: Bool,
   rx :: Maybe (BitVector 8)
-type CPUOut = (Maybe (BitVector 8),Maybe Message)
+type CPUOut = Maybe (BitVector 8)
 data CPUState = Initialization
                 | TransmittingUART (BitVector 8)
-                | TransmittingI2C Message
                 | Listening 
                 deriving (Generic, NFDataX)
 cpu :: CPUIn -> State CPUState CPUOut
 cpu CPUIn{rx=Just rx} = do
   put $ TransmittingUART rx
-  return (Nothing, Nothing)
+  return Nothing
-cpu CPUIn{ackUART=True} = put Listening >> return (Nothing, Nothing)
-cpu CPUIn{ackI2C=True} = put Listening >> return (Nothing, Nothing)
+cpu CPUIn{ackUART=True} = put Listening >> return Nothing
 cpu _ = get >>= \case
-  Initialization -> put Listening >> return (Nothing, Nothing)
-  TransmittingUART s -> return (Just s, Nothing)
-  TransmittingI2C s -> return (Nothing, Just s)
-  Listening -> return (Nothing, Nothing)
+  Initialization -> put Listening >> return Nothing
+  TransmittingUART s -> return $ Just s
+  Listening -> return Nothing
diff --git a/src/I2C.hs b/src/I2C.hs
deleted file mode 100644
index d2b4466..0000000
--- a/src/I2C.hs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,148 +0,0 @@
-{-# LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving, LambdaCase #-}
-{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fconstraint-solver-iterations=10 #-}
-{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
-{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
-{-# LANGUAGE NumericUnderscores #-}
-{-# LANGUAGE PartialTypeSignatures #-}
-module I2C (i2cMaster, Message) where
-import Clash.Prelude
--- import RetroClash.Utils
--- import RetroClash.Clock
-import Control.Monad.State
-import Data.Maybe (isNothing)
-type Message = (BitVector 8, BitVector 8, BitVector 8)
-data MessageState
-    = Init        (BitVector 8, BitVector 8, BitVector 8) Init
-    | SendAddr    (BitVector 8, BitVector 8)              (SendBits 8)
-    | SendSubaddr (BitVector 8)                           (SendBits 8)
-    | SendDat                                             (SendBits 8)
-    | Teardown                                            Teardown
-    deriving (Show, Generic, BitPack, NFDataX)
-data SendBits n
-    = SendBit SendTransition (BitVector n) (Index n)
-    | SendAck SendTransition
-    deriving (Show, Generic, NFDataX)
-deriving instance (KnownNat n, 1 <= n) => BitPack (SendBits n)
-data SendTransition = SDASet | Tick
-  deriving (Show, Enum, Bounded, Eq, Generic, BitPack, NFDataX)
-data Init = StartInit | SDALow | SCLLow
-  deriving (Show, Enum, Bounded, Eq, Generic, BitPack, NFDataX)
-data Teardown = StartTeardown | SCLHigh | SDAHigh
-  deriving (Show, Enum, Bounded, Eq, Generic, BitPack, NFDataX)
-startBit :: (KnownNat n) => BitVector n -> SendBits n
-startBit xs = SendBit minBound xs minBound
-succIdx :: (Eq a, Enum a, Bounded a) => a -> Maybe a
-succIdx x | x == maxBound = Nothing
-          | otherwise = Just $ succ x
-succBit :: (KnownNat n) => SendBits n -> Maybe (SendBits n)
-succBit (SendBit transition xs i) = Just $ case succIdx transition of
-    Just transition' -> SendBit transition' xs i
-    Nothing -> maybe (SendAck minBound) (SendBit minBound (xs `shiftL` 1)) $ succIdx i
-succBit (SendAck transition) = SendAck <$> succIdx transition
-shiftOut :: (KnownNat n) => SendBits n -> (Maybe Bit, Maybe Bit)
-shiftOut (SendBit transition xs i) = (Just $ boolToBit $ transition == Tick, Just $ msb xs)
-shiftOut (SendAck transition) = (Just $ boolToBit $ transition == Tick, Nothing)
--- We only drive clk (clock stretching not implemented), and we never query
--- peripherals over I2C, so we never actually use sdaIn and sclIn
-i2cNext :: Maybe Message -> Bit -> Bit -> Maybe MessageState -> Maybe MessageState
-i2cNext newMsg _sdaIn _sclIn = \case
-    Nothing                                     -> Init <$> newMsg <*> pure StartInit
-    Just (Init        xss@(xs1, xs2, xs3) ramp) -> Just $ maybe (SendAddr    (xs2, xs3) (startBit xs1)) (Init        xss) $ succIdx ramp
-    Just (SendAddr    xss@(xs2, xs3)      b)    -> Just $ maybe (SendSubaddr xs3        (startBit xs2)) (SendAddr    xss) $ succBit b
-    Just (SendSubaddr xss@xs3             b)    -> Just $ maybe (SendDat                (startBit xs3)) (SendSubaddr xss) $ succBit b
-    Just (SendDat                         b)    -> Just $ maybe (Teardown StartTeardown)                SendDat           $ succBit b
-    Just (Teardown ramp)                        -> Teardown <$> succIdx ramp
-i2cOutput :: Maybe MessageState -> (Maybe Bit, Maybe Bit)
-i2cOutput = \case
-    Nothing                       -> (Just 1, Just 1)
-    Just (Init _ StartInit)       -> (Just 1, Just 1)
-    Just (Init _ SDALow)          -> (Just 1, Just 0)
-    Just (Init _ SCLLow)          -> (Just 0, Just 0)
-    Just (SendAddr _ b)           -> shiftOut b
-    Just (SendSubaddr _ b)        -> shiftOut b
-    Just (SendDat b)              -> shiftOut b
-    Just (Teardown StartTeardown) -> (Just 0, Just 0)
-    Just (Teardown SCLHigh)       -> (Just 1, Just 0)
-    Just (Teardown SDAHigh)       -> (Just 1, Just 1)
-   :: (HiddenClockResetEnable dom, NFDataX s)
-   => (i -> State s o) -> s -> (Signal dom i -> Signal dom o)
-mealyState f = mealy step
-  where
-    step s x = let (y, s') = runState (f x) s in (s', y)
-    :: (HiddenClockResetEnable dom, NFDataX s, Bundle i, Bundle o)
-    => (i -> State s o) -> s -> (Unbundled dom i -> Unbundled dom o)
-mealyStateB f s0 = unbundle . mealyState f s0 . bundle
-    :: (HiddenClockResetEnable dom, 1 <= i2cRate, KnownNat (DomainPeriod dom), 1 <= DomainPeriod dom)
-    => SNat i2cRate
-    -> "DATA"   ::: Signal dom (Maybe Message)
-    -> "SCL_IN" ::: BiSignalIn 'PullUp dom (BitSize Bit)
-    -> "SDA_IN" ::: BiSignalIn 'PullUp dom (BitSize Bit)
-    -> ( "SCL_OUT" ::: BiSignalOut 'PullUp dom (BitSize Bit)
-       , "SDA_OUT" ::: BiSignalOut 'PullUp dom (BitSize Bit)
-       , "READY"   ::: Signal dom Bool
-       )
-i2cMaster i2cRate@SNat msg sclIn sdaIn = (sclOut, sdaOut, ready)
-  where
-    i2cClock = riseRate i2cRate
-    sclIn' = readFromBiSignal sclIn
-    sdaIn' = readFromBiSignal sdaIn
-    (sclOut', sdaOut', ready) = mealyStateB step Nothing (i2cClock, msg, sclIn', sdaIn')
-    sclOut = writeToBiSignal sclIn sclOut'
-    sdaOut = writeToBiSignal sdaIn sdaOut'
-    step :: (Bool, Maybe Message, Bit, Bit) -> State (Maybe MessageState) (Maybe Bit, Maybe Bit, Bool)
-    step (tick, msg, sclIn, sdaIn) = do
-        s <- get
-        when tick $ modify $ i2cNext msg sdaIn sclIn
-        s' <- get
-        let ready = tick && isNothing s'
-            (sclOut, sdaOut) = i2cOutput s
-        return (sclOut, sdaOut, ready)
-type HzToPeriod (rate :: Nat) = Seconds 1 `Div` rate
-type Seconds      (s  :: Nat) = Milliseconds (1_000 * s)
-type Milliseconds (ms :: Nat) = Microseconds (1_000 * ms)
-type Microseconds (us :: Nat) = Nanoseconds  (1_000 * us)
-type Nanoseconds  (ns :: Nat) = Picoseconds  (1_000 * ns)
-type Picoseconds  (ps :: Nat) = ps
-type ClockDivider dom ps = ps `Div` DomainPeriod dom
-    :: forall ps dom. (HiddenClockResetEnable dom, _)
-    => SNat ps
-    -> Signal dom Bool
-risePeriod _ = riseEvery (SNat @(ClockDivider dom ps))
-    :: forall rate dom. (HiddenClockResetEnable dom, _)
-    => SNat rate
-    -> Signal dom Bool
-riseRate _ = risePeriod (SNat @(HzToPeriod rate))
\ No newline at end of file