LC3100.gitcpu emulator for LC3100 in haskell tzlil9 months
aoc2022-day21.gitday21 with time travelling state tzlil3 months
aoc2022-day22.git tzlil10 months
aoc2023.git tzlil3 months
arXiv.gitarXiv randomizer tzlil11 months in the joy programming language tzlil10 months
canal-view-z3.gitcanal view solver with z3 tzlil17 months
coms6998.gitlambda calculus interpreter tzlil15 months
elf.gitrust zerocopy elf parser tzlil16 months
ext2.gitzerocopy ext2 parser tzlil17 months
flake.gitmy machines tzlil3 months
fpga.gitfpga stuff in clash tzlil4 months
hs-logicbrain.gitsolving logicbrain challenges using haskells list monad tzlil10 months
hscompiler.githaskell compiler adventures tzlil13 months
hslc.gitlambda calculus in haskells type system tzlil10 months
interaction-networks.gitgraph rewrite rules in wolfram tzlil8 months
py-calculator.gitcalculator in python + recursive descent tzlil8 months
recursion-schemes-lean4.gitFP with bananas, lenses, and barbed wire in lean4 tzlil4 months
skimap.gitgraph SK form reductions tzlil15 months
stacked.gitstack based language in idris2 tzlil9 months
tzlisp.gitlisp in haskell tzlil14 months
uiua.gitstuff written in tzlil9 months