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path: root/mixins/firefox/absolute-minimum.nix
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Diffstat (limited to 'mixins/firefox/absolute-minimum.nix')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 228 deletions
diff --git a/mixins/firefox/absolute-minimum.nix b/mixins/firefox/absolute-minimum.nix
deleted file mode 100644
index d3ebe98..0000000
--- a/mixins/firefox/absolute-minimum.nix
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,228 +0,0 @@
-  profile = "default";
-  prf = ".mozilla/firefox/${profile}";
-  extstorage = "${prf}/browser-extension-data";
-  {
-    config,
-    inputs,
-    pkgs,
-    lib,
-    ...
-  }: {
-    home-manager.users.tzlil = let
-      firefox-addons = pkgs.callPackage (pkgs.applyPatches {
-        src = inputs.firefox-addons;
-        patches = [./addons-passthru.patch];
-        name = "firefox-addons-patched";
-      }) {};
-      mozlz4 = n: x:
-        pkgs.runCommand "${n}.lz4" {buildInputs = [pkgs.mozlz4a];} ''
-          mozlz4a ${pkgs.writeTextFile {
-            name = n;
-            text = builtins.toJSON x;
-          }} $out
-        '';
-      cfg = config.home-manager.users.tzlil.programs;
-      addons = cfg.firefox.profiles.${profile}.extensions;
-      extensionPath = "extensions/{ec8030f7-c20a-464f-9b0e-13a3a9e97384}";
-      firefoxData =
-        pkgs.runCommand "firefox-default-profile" {
-          buildInputs = [
-            pkgs.xvfb-run
-            (pkgs.firefox.override {
-              extraPolicies = {
-                Extensions.Install = map (x: x.src.outPath) addons;
-                ExtensionSettings = {
-                  "" = {installation_mode = "blocked";};
-                  "" = {installation_mode = "blocked";};
-                  "" = {installation_mode = "blocked";};
-                  "" = {installation_mode = "blocked";};
-                };
-              };
-            })
-          ];
-        } ''
-          HOME=$(mktemp -d)
-          export FONTCONFIG_FILE=${pkgs.makeFontsConf {fontDirectories = [pkgs.roboto];}}
-          mkdir -p $HOME/.mozilla/firefox/
-          mkdir $out
-          ln -s $out $HOME/.mozilla/firefox/default
-          cat >> $HOME/.mozilla/firefox/profiles.ini<< EOF
-          [Profile0]
-          Default=1
-          IsRelative=1
-          Name=default
-          Path=default
-          EOF
-          echo user_pref\(\"\", \"\"\)\; > $HOME/.mozilla/firefox/default/user.js
-          xvfb-run firefox --screenshot about:blank --headless
-          # cat $HOME/.mozilla/firefox/default/extensions.json > $out
-          #
-        '';
-      extensionsData = "${firefoxData}/extensions.json";
-      # addonStartup = builtins.fromJSON (builtins.unsafeDiscardStringContext (builtins.readFile (pkgs.runCommand "addonStartup.json" {
-      #   buildInputs = [
-      #     pkgs.mozlz4a
-      #     pkgs.jq
-      #   ];
-      # }
-      # ''
-      # mozlz4a -d ${firefoxData}/addonStartup.json.lz4 /dev/stdout | jq . > $out
-      # '')));
-      # decrappedAddonStartup = lib.attrsets.updateManyAttrsByPath [
-      #   {
-      #     path = ["app-builtin" "addons" "" "enable"];
-      #     update = old: false;
-      #   }
-      # ] addonStartup;
-      extensionManifest = e:
-        builtins.fromJSON (builtins.readFile (pkgs.runCommand "${e.addonId}-manifest.json" {buildInputs = [pkgs.p7zip];} ''
-          7z x -so ${e.src.outPath} manifest.json > $out
-        ''));
-    in {
-      # these come from the HM module
-      home.file."${prf}/extension-preferences.json".source = pkgs.emptyFile;
-      home.file."${prf}/extension-preferences.json.tmp".source = pkgs.emptyFile;
-      home.file."${prf}/extension-settings.json".source = pkgs.emptyFile;
-      home.file."${prf}/extension-settings.json.tmp".source = pkgs.emptyFile;
-      # home.file."${prf}/search.json.mozlz4".source = pkgs.emptyFile;
-      home.file."${prf}/search.json.mozlz4.tmp".source = pkgs.emptyFile;
-      home.file."${prf}/extensions".source = lib.mkForce "${pkgs.symlinkJoin {
-        name = "extensions";
-        paths = addons;
-      }}/share/mozilla/${extensionPath}";
-      home.file."${prf}/storage".source = pkgs.emptyDirectory;
-      home.file."${prf}/crashes".source = pkgs.emptyDirectory;
-      home.file."${prf}/datareporting".source = pkgs.emptyDirectory;
-      home.file."${prf}/saved-telemetry-pings".source = pkgs.emptyDirectory;
-      # home.file."${prf}/addonStartup.json.lz4".source = mozlz4 "addonStartup.json" (lib.attrsets.updateManyAttrsByPath [
-      #   {
-      #     path = ["app-builtin" "addons" "" "enable"];
-      #     update = old: false;
-      #   }
-      # ] addonStartup);
-      home.file."${prf}/addonStartup.json.lz4".source = pkgs.emptyFile;
-      home.file."${prf}/addonStartup.json.lz4.tmp".source = pkgs.emptyFile;
-      home.file."${prf}/addons.json".source = pkgs.emptyFile;
-      home.file."${prf}/addons.json.tmp".source = pkgs.emptyFile;
-      home.file."${prf}/extensions.json".source = extensionsData;
-      # home.file."${prf}/extensions.json".text = builtins.toJSON {
-      #   schemaVersion = 35;
-      #   addons =
-      #     map (x: {
-      #       active = true;
-      #       appDisabled = false;
-      #       defaultLocale = {};
-      #       embedderDisabled = false;
-      #       foreignInstall = true;
-      #       hidden = false;
-      #       id = x.addonId;
-      #       location = "app-profile";
-      #       manifestVersion = (extensionManifest x).manifest_version;
-      #       optionalPermissions = {
-      #         permissions = (extensionManifest x).optional_permissions or [];
-      #         origins = (extensionManifest x).optional_permissions or [];
-      #       };
-      #       path = x.src.outPath;
-      #       rootURI = "jar:file://${x.src.outPath}!/";
-      #       softDisabled = false;
-      #       type = "extension";
-      #       userDisabled = false;
-      #       userPermissions = {
-      #         permissions = (extensionManifest x).permissions or [];
-      #         origins = (extensionManifest x).permissions or [];
-      #       };
-      #       version = (extensionManifest x).version;
-      #     })
-      #     addons;
-      # };
-      home.file."${prf}/extensions.json.tmp".source = pkgs.emptyFile;
-      # tries to access W_OK it forever
-      # home.file."${prf}/prefs.js".source = pkgs.emptyFile;
-      # home.file."${prf}/prefs-1.js".source = pkgs.emptyFile;
-      programs.firefox = {
-        enable = true;
-        package = pkgs.firefox-wayland.override {
-          extraPolicies = {
-            CaptivePortal = false;
-            DisableFirefoxStudies = true;
-            DisablePocket = true;
-            DisableTelemetry = true;
-            DisableFirefoxAccounts = true;
-            FirefoxHome = {
-              Pocket = false;
-              Snippets = false;
-            };
-            UserMessaging = {
-              ExtensionRecommendations = false;
-              SkipOnboarding = true;
-            };
-            SearchEngines.Default = "DuckDuckGo";
-            ExtensionSettings = {
-              "" = {installation_mode = "blocked";};
-              "" = {installation_mode = "blocked";};
-              "" = {installation_mode = "blocked";};
-              "" = {installation_mode = "blocked";};
-            };
-          };
-        };
-        profiles.${profile} = {
-          userChrome = builtins.readFile ./userChrome.css;
-          search = {
-            default = "DuckDuckGo";
-            force = true;
-          };
-          extensions = with firefox-addons; [
-            kristofferhagen-nord-theme
-            ublock-origin
-            clearurls
-            privacy-possum
-            skip-redirect
-            canvasblocker
-            sidebery
-          ];
-          settings = {
-            "extensions.activeThemeID" = "{e410fec2-1cbd-4098-9944-e21e708418af}";
-            # (try to) hide crap
-            "" = "Google,Bing,,eBay,Twitter,Wikipedia (en)";
-            "browser.newtabpage.activity-stream.showSponsored" = false;
-            "browser.newtabpage.activity-stream.showSponsoredTopSites" = false;
-            "services.sync.prefs.sync.browser.newtabpage.activity-stream.showSponsored" = false;
-            "services.sync.prefs.sync.browser.newtabpage.activity-stream.showSponsoredTopSites" = false;
-            "browser.newtabpage.activity-stream.default.sites" = "";
-            "browser.urlbar.suggest.topsites" = false;
-            "browser.newtabpage.activity-stream.feeds.topsites" = false;
-            # disable welcome page
-            "browser.aboutwelcome.enabled" = false;
-            # disable privacy notice
-            "datareporting.policy.firstRunURL" = "";
-            # "browser.newtabpage.activity-stream.aboutHome.enabled" = false;
-          };
-          # extraConfig = {
-          # };
-        };
-      };
-    };
-  }