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path: root/
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authortzlil <>2023-02-17 16:49:03 +0200
committertzlil <>2023-02-17 16:49:03 +0200
commit40fefd39ff870d7f187a76ee8f33678a9e5e4027 (patch)
treeb331a63f07fb82d06121908fff5156b0188a7a33 /
initial commit (move from github) HEAD master
Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 204 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..02b7cba
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,204 @@
+import logging
+from z3 import *
+from tools import *
+from time import time
+from itertools import islice, accumulate
+import numpy as np
+SOLUTION_COUNT = None  # None for all solutions
+print(f"WIDTH = {WIDTH}, HEIGHT = {HEIGHT}")
+coordinate, cell_number = coordinate_l(WIDTH), cell_number_l(WIDTH)
+    # (0, 0): False,
+    # (WIDTH - 1, HEIGHT - 1): True,
+    # (0, HEIGHT - 1): True,
+    # (WIDTH - 1, 0): True,
+    # (4, 1): 6,
+    # (2, 2): 5,
+    # (1, 3): 3,
+    # (3, 4): 3,
+    # (0, 4): 3,
+    # (2, 4): 1,
+    # (4, 4): 4,
+s = Solver()
+ts = time()
+logging.debug("defining value spaces")
+t = time()
+grid = np.empty((WIDTH, HEIGHT), dtype=ExprRef)
+for index in np.ndindex(*grid.shape):
+    grid[index] = Bool(f"cell_{'_'.join(str(v) for v in index)}")
+logging.debug(f"{time() - t:f} seconds")
+logging.debug("constraining: no 2x2 shaded")
+t = time()
+# 2x2 shaded cells are not allowed
+for x in range(0, WIDTH - 1):
+    for y in range(0, HEIGHT - 1):
+        s.add(Not(And([grid[x][y], grid[x][y + 1], grid[x + 1][y], grid[x + 1][y + 1]])))
+logging.debug(f"{time() - t:f} seconds")
+logging.debug("constructing: view matrix")
+t = time()
+right, down = np.array([1, 0]), np.array([0, 1])
+cardinals = [right, down, -right, -down]
+edge = np.asarray(grid.shape)
+view = np.empty(grid.shape, dtype=ExprRef)
+for index in np.ndindex(*view.shape):
+    start = np.asarray(index)
+    visible = []
+    for direction in cardinals:
+        ray = []
+        a = 1
+        p = start + a * direction
+        while min(p) >= 0 and min(edge - p) > 0:
+            ray.append(p)
+            a = a + 1
+            p = start + a * direction
+        if len(ray) == 0:
+            continue
+        cells = [grid[tuple(p)] for p in ray]
+        visible_in_direction = list(accumulate(cells, And))
+        visible.extend(visible_in_direction)
+    view[index] = Sum([If(cell, 1, 0) for cell in visible])
+logging.debug(f"{time() - t:f} seconds")
+logging.debug("constraining: CONSTANTS")
+# hard set these coordinates
+for key, value in CONSTANTS.items():
+    t = time()
+    if key < (0, 0) or key >= (WIDTH, HEIGHT):
+        raise ValueError(f"Constant key '{key}' is outside of board range")
+    if type(value) is bool:
+        logging.debug(f"constraining: grid at {key} is {value}")
+        s.add(grid[key] == value)
+    elif type(value) is int:
+        if 0 > value or value > WIDTH + HEIGHT - 2:
+            raise ValueError(f"Invalid constant number for {value} in CONSTANTS at key {key}")
+        logging.debug(f"constraining: view at {key} is {value}, grid at {key} is {False}")
+        s.add(view[key] == value)
+        s.add(Not(grid[key]))
+    else:
+        raise ValueError(f"Invalid constant value type '{type(value)}'")
+    logging.debug(f"{time() - t:f} seconds")
+    logging.debug("checking sat")
+    t = time()
+    sat_result = s.check()
+    logging.debug(f"{time() - t:f} seconds")
+    if sat_result == unsat:
+        print("The latest constraint caused an unsat D:")
+        exit(1)
+logging.debug("constructing: adjacency matrix")
+t0 = time()
+adjacency = np.empty((SIZE - 2, SIZE, SIZE), dtype=ExprRef)
+# the adjacency matrix adjacency[0][i][j] equals 1 when cell#i and cell#j in grid are shaded and connected, otherwise 0
+for index in np.ndindex(*adjacency[0].shape):
+    i, j = index
+    difference = abs(i - j)
+    cardinal_neighbors = difference == WIDTH or (
+            difference == 1 and not abs(i % WIDTH - j % WIDTH) != 1)
+    if cardinal_neighbors:
+        adjacency[0][i][j] = And(grid[coordinate(i)], grid[coordinate(j)])
+    else:
+        adjacency[0][i][j] = False
+logging.debug(f"{time() - t:f} seconds")
+logging.debug("constructing: adjacency_k")
+t0 = time()
+# powers of The Adjacency Matrix
+for k in range(1, adjacency.shape[0]):
+    mat_mul = z3_bool_mat_mul(adjacency[0], adjacency[k - 1])
+    for index in np.ndindex(*adjacency[k].shape):
+        adjacency[k][index] = mat_mul(*index)
+logging.debug(f"{time() - t:f} seconds")
+logging.debug("constructing: sum_adjacency_k")
+t = time()
+# matrix for the sum of all adjacency^k
+mat_sum = z3_bool_mat_sum(adjacency)
+adjacency_k_sum = np.empty(adjacency[0].shape, dtype=ExprRef)
+for index in np.ndindex(*adjacency_k_sum.shape):
+    adjacency_k_sum[index] = mat_sum(*index)
+logging.debug(f"{time() - t:f} seconds")
+logging.debug("constraining: sum of adjacency^k is nonzero for shaded cell pairs")
+t = time()
+# constrain the sum of adjacency^k for k in [1..SIZE-1], is positive for all shaded cells
+for index in np.ndindex(*adjacency_k_sum.shape):
+    i, j = index
+    nonzero = adjacency_k_sum[index]
+    shaded = And(grid[coordinate(i)], grid[coordinate(j)])
+    s.add(shaded == nonzero)
+t1 = time()
+logging.debug(f"{t1 - t:f} seconds")
+logging.debug(f"constructing constraints total time: {t1 - ts:f} seconds")
+logging.debug("finished constraining puzzle rules")
+logging.debug("exporting solver assertions to file:")
+t = time()
+file_name = f"{WIDTH}_{HEIGHT}.smt"
+with open(file_name, "w") as f:
+    f.write(s.to_smt2())
+logging.debug(f"{time() - t:f} seconds")
+logging.debug("checking sat")
+t = time()
+# are we SAT?
+sat_result = s.check()
+t1 = time()
+logging.debug(f"{t1 - t:f} seconds")
+logging.debug(f"Total time: {t1 - ts:f} seconds")
+if sat_result == unsat:
+    print("We are not SAT D:")
+    exit(1)
+for key, value in CONSTANTS.items():
+    if type(value) is bool:
+        value = ('' if value else 'un') + 'shaded'
+    print(f"{key} will be {value}")
+free_terms = [grid[index] for index in np.ndindex(*grid.shape) if index not in CONSTANTS]
+solutions = all_smt(s, free_terms)
+# for i, m in enumerate(solutions, start=1):
+#     print(i)
+# exit(0)
+sl = islice(solutions, SOLUTION_COUNT)
+t = time()
+for i, m in enumerate(sl, start=1):
+    logging.debug(f"{time() - t:f} seconds")
+    m: ModelRef
+    eval_bool_func = np.vectorize(lambda expr: is_true(m.eval(expr, model_completion=True)))
+    eval_int_func = np.vectorize(lambda expr: m.eval(expr, model_completion=True).as_long())
+    shading = eval_bool_func(grid)
+    numbers = eval_int_func(view)
+    cell_display_func = np.vectorize(cell_display_l(shading, numbers))
+    constant_numbers = np.empty(grid.shape, dtype=str)
+    for index in np.ndindex(*constant_numbers.shape):
+        constant_numbers[index] = ' '
+    for key, value in CONSTANTS.items():
+        if type(value) is int:
+            constant_numbers[key] = str(value)
+    shaded_or_constant_number_display = np.vectorize(shaded_or_display_l(shading, constant_numbers))
+    cells = np.fromfunction(shaded_or_constant_number_display, grid.shape, dtype=int)
+    print(f"Solution #{i}:")
+    mat_display(cells)
+    print()
+    t = time()
+if not next(solutions, None):
+    print("No more solutions")