from lambda_calculus import Variable, Abstraction, Application from lambda_calculus.visitors.normalisation import BetaNormalisingVisitor import networkx as nx import sys import itertools S = Abstraction('x', Abstraction('y', Abstraction('z', Application(Application(Variable('x'), Variable('z')), Application(Variable('y'), Variable('z')))))) K = Abstraction('x', Abstraction('y', Variable('x'))) class Node(object): def __init__(self, left, right): self.left = left self.right = right def __repr__(self): return '(%s %s)' % (self.left if isinstance(self.left, Node) else self.left[1], self.right if isinstance(self.right, Node) else self.right[1]) def app(self): return Application( if isinstance(self.left, Node) else self.left[0], if isinstance(self.right, Node) else self.right[0]) # Given a tree and a label, yields every possible augmentation of the tree by # adding a new node with the label as a child "above" some existing Node or Leaf. def add_leaf(tree, label): yield Node(label, tree) if isinstance(tree, Node): for left in add_leaf(tree.left, label): yield Node(left, tree.right) for right in add_leaf(tree.right, label): yield Node(tree.left, right) # Given a list of labels, yield each rooted, unordered full binary tree with # the specified labels. def enum_unordered(labels): if len(labels) == 1: yield labels[0] else: for tree in enum_unordered(labels[1:]): for new_tree in add_leaf(tree, labels[0]): yield new_tree def enum_ordered(labels): if len(labels) == 1: yield labels[0] else: for i in range(1, len(labels)): for left in enum_ordered(labels[:i]): for right in enum_ordered(labels[i:]): yield Node(left, right) all_products = lambda *args, repeat:itertools.chain(*(itertools.product(*args, repeat=n) for n in range(1,repeat+1))) g = nx.Graph() for term in all_products([(S,'S'), (K,'K')], repeat=5): for parensed in enum_ordered(term): try: beta = BetaNormalisingVisitor().skip_intermediate( if isinstance(parensed, Node) else parensed[0] ) g.add_edge(repr(parensed) if isinstance(parensed, Node) else parensed[1], str(beta)) except: print(str(beta), "cant be reduced") pass import matplotlib.pyplot as plt nx.draw(g, with_labels=True)