{ pkgs, lib, config, inputs, ... }: { config = { home-manager.users.tzlil = { pkgs, config, nixosConfig, ... }: { imports = [ inputs.viper-nix-common.homeModules.xdg ]; home = { packages = with pkgs; [ rsync curl ripgrep bat croc # crap i need in my shell for general usage, mostly data science (pkgs.python3.withPackages (ps: with ps; [ requests numpy more-itertools ])) ]; sessionVariables = { EDITOR = "nvim"; }; }; programs = { git = { userName = "tzlil"; userEmail = "tzlils@protonmail.com"; enable = true; extraConfig = { push.autoSetupRemote = true; init.defaultBranch = "master"; }; }; direnv = { enable = true; nix-direnv.enable = true; }; fish = { enable = true; shellAliases = { gc = "git clone"; l = "ls -alh"; b = "bat"; }; functions = { sb.body = "nixos-rebuild build --flake git+ssh://pc/home/tzlil/newflake --use-remote-sudo"; sw.body = "nixos-rebuild switch --flake git+ssh://pc/home/tzlil/newflake --use-remote-sudo"; fish_greeting.body = ""; }; }; neovim = { enable = true; viAlias = true; vimAlias = true; }; # gpg = { # enable = true; # mutableKeys = false; # mutableTrust = false; # settings = { # default-key = "E989 C39F 5AE8 2790 F41E AD50 5FEF 5315 1562 A6CD"; # default-recipient-self = true; # auto-key-locate = "local,wkd,keyserver"; # keyserver = "hkps://keys.openpgp.org"; # auto-key-retrieve = true; # auto-key-import = true; # keyserver-options = "honor-keyserver-url"; # no-autostart = true; # }; # }; }; # services.gpg-agent = let # m = 60; # h = 60 * m; # d = 24 * h; # y = 365 * d; # in { # enable = true; # enableSshSupport = true; # enableFishIntegration = true; # defaultCacheTtl = 6 * h; # defaultCacheTtlSsh = 6 * h; # maxCacheTtl = 100 * y; # effectively unlimited # maxCacheTtlSsh = 100 * y; # effectively unlimited # sshKeys = ["E989C39F5AE82790F41EAD505FEF53151562A6CD"]; # }; }; }; }