/* Assembler for LC */ #include #include #include #define MAXLINELENGTH 1000 #define MAXNUMLABELS 65536 #define MAXLABELLENGTH 7 /* includes the null character termination */ #define ADD 0 #define NAND 1 #define LW 2 #define SW 3 #define BEQ 4 #define JALR 5 #define HALT 6 #define NOOP 7 /* * Read and parse a line of the assembly-language file. Fields are returned * in label, opcode, arg0, arg1, arg2 (these strings must have memory already * allocated to them). * * Return values: * 0 if reached end of file * 1 if all went well * * exit(1) if line is too long. */ int readAndParse(FILE *inFilePtr, char *label, char *opcode, char *arg0, char *arg1, char *arg2) { char line[MAXLINELENGTH]; char *ptr = line; /* delete prior values */ label[0] = opcode[0] = arg0[0] = arg1[0] = arg2[0] = '\0'; /* read the line from the assembly-language file */ if (fgets(line, MAXLINELENGTH, inFilePtr) == NULL) { /* reached end of file */ return(0); } /* check for line too long */ if (strlen(line) == MAXLINELENGTH-1) { printf("error: line too long\n"); exit(1); } /* is there a label? */ ptr = line; if (sscanf(ptr, "%[^\t\n ]", label)) { /* successfully read label; advance pointer over the label */ ptr += strlen(label); } /* * Parse the rest of the line. Would be nice to have real regular * expressions, but scanf will suffice. */ sscanf(ptr, "%*[\t\n\r ]%[^\t\n\r ]%*[\t\n\r ]%[^\t\n\r ]%*[\t\n\r ]%[^\t\n\r ]%*[\t\n\r ]%[^\t\n\r ]", opcode, arg0, arg1, arg2); return(1); } int translateSymbol(char labelArray[MAXNUMLABELS][MAXLABELLENGTH], int labelAddress[MAXNUMLABELS], int numLabels, char *symbol) { int i; /* search through address label table */ for (i=0; i=numLabels) { printf("error: missing label %s\n", symbol); exit(1); } return(labelAddress[i]); } int isNumber(char *string) { /* return 1 if string is a number */ int i; return( (sscanf(string, "%d", &i)) == 1); } /* * Test register argument; make sure it's in range and has no bad characters. */ void testRegArg(char *arg) { int num; char c; if (atoi(arg) < 0 || atoi(arg) > 7) { printf("error: register out of range\n"); exit(2); } if (sscanf(arg, "%d%c", &num, &c) != 1) { printf("bad character in register argument\n"); exit(2); } } /* * Test addressField argument. */ void testAddrArg(char *arg) { int num; char c; /* test numeric addressField */ if (isNumber(arg)) { if (sscanf(arg, "%d%c", &num, &c) != 1) { printf("bad character in addressField\n"); exit(2); } } } /* * main function */ int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { char *inFileString, *outFileString; FILE *inFilePtr, *outFilePtr; int address; char label[MAXLINELENGTH], opcode[MAXLINELENGTH], arg0[MAXLINELENGTH], arg1[MAXLINELENGTH], arg2[MAXLINELENGTH], argTmp[MAXLINELENGTH]; int i; int numLabels=0; int num; int addressField; char labelArray[MAXNUMLABELS][MAXLABELLENGTH]; int labelAddress[MAXNUMLABELS]; if (argc != 3) { printf("error: usage: %s \n", argv[0]); exit(1); } inFileString = argv[1]; outFileString = argv[2]; inFilePtr = fopen(inFileString, "r"); if (inFilePtr == NULL) { printf("error in opening %s\n", inFileString); exit(1); } outFilePtr = fopen(outFileString, "w"); if (outFilePtr == NULL) { printf("error in opening %s\n", outFileString); exit(1); } /* map symbols to addresses */ /* assume address start at 0 */ for (address=0; readAndParse(inFilePtr, label, opcode, arg0, arg1, arg2); address++) { /* printf("%d: label=%s, opcode=%s, arg0=%s, arg1=%s, arg2=%s\n", address, label, opcode, arg0, arg1, arg2); */ /* check for illegal opcode */ if (strcmp(opcode, "add") && strcmp(opcode, "nand") && strcmp(opcode, "lw") && strcmp(opcode, "sw") && strcmp(opcode, "beq") && strcmp(opcode, "jalr") && strcmp(opcode, "halt") && strcmp(opcode, "noop") && strcmp(opcode, ".fill") ) { printf("error: unrecognized opcode %s at address %d\n", opcode, address); exit(1); } /* check register fields */ if (!strcmp(opcode, "add") || !strcmp(opcode, "nand") || !strcmp(opcode, "lw") || !strcmp(opcode, "sw") || !strcmp(opcode, "beq") || !strcmp(opcode, "jalr")) { testRegArg(arg0); testRegArg(arg1); } if (!strcmp(opcode, "add") || !strcmp(opcode, "nand")) { testRegArg(arg2); } /* check addressField */ if (!strcmp(opcode, "lw") || !strcmp(opcode, "sw") || !strcmp(opcode, "beq")) { testAddrArg(arg2); } if (!strcmp(opcode, ".fill")) { testAddrArg(arg0); } /* check for enough arguments */ if ( (strcmp(opcode, "halt") && strcmp(opcode, "noop") && strcmp(opcode, ".fill") && strcmp(opcode, "jalr") && arg2[0]=='\0') || (!strcmp(opcode, "jalr") && arg1[0]=='\0') || (!strcmp(opcode, ".fill") && arg0[0]=='\0')) { printf("error at address %d: not enough arguments\n", address); exit(2); } if (label[0] != '\0') { /* check for labels that are too long */ if (strlen(label) >= MAXLABELLENGTH) { printf("label too long\n"); exit(2); } /* make sure label starts with letter */ if (! sscanf(label, "%[a-zA-Z]", argTmp) ) { printf("label doesn't start with letter\n"); exit(2); } /* make sure label consists of only letters and numbers */ sscanf(label, "%[a-zA-Z0-9]", argTmp); if (strcmp(argTmp, label)) { printf("label has character other than letters and numbers\n"); exit(2); } /* look for duplicate label */ for (i=0; i= MAXNUMLABELS) { printf("error: too many labels (label=%s)\n", label); exit(2); } strcpy(labelArray[numLabels], label); labelAddress[numLabels++] = address; } } for (i=0; i 32767) { printf("error: offset %d out of range\n", addressField); exit(1); } /* truncate the offset field, in case it's negative */ addressField = addressField & 0xFFFF; if (!strcmp(opcode, "beq")) { num = (BEQ << 22) | (atoi(arg0) << 19) | (atoi(arg1) << 16) | addressField; } else { /* lw or sw */ if (!strcmp(opcode, "lw")) { num = (LW << 22) | (atoi(arg0) << 19) | (atoi(arg1) << 16) | addressField; } else { num = (SW << 22) | (atoi(arg0) << 19) | (atoi(arg1) << 16) | addressField; } } } else if (!strcmp(opcode, ".fill")) { if (!isNumber(arg0)) { num = translateSymbol(labelArray, labelAddress, numLabels, arg0); } else { num = atoi(arg0); } } /* printf("(address %d): %d (hex 0x%x)\n", address, num, num); */ fprintf(outFilePtr, "%d\n", num); } exit(0); }